A multinational corporation with a huge penchant for inter-office design collaboration asked Xprt to help perfect a room that their executives would use regularly for open conversation with leadership from around the world. Accents and cultural distance can challenge open conversation on their own, so the video communications platform in the space was requested to be ‘bulletproof and crystal clear’. Working alongside the office’s own interior design team, we had to come up with an attractive acoustic addition to the room, incredibly flexible ad effective microphone pickup, and a control platform that would assist the Zoom platform forming the communications backbone. Acoustically, we collaborated with a Vancouver interior claddings supplier to create an acoustically absorptive polyester felt box mosaic on the rear wall that diffuses and absorbs sound energy in the room, while integrating with their design program. We also deployed a pair of Sennheiser TC2 beamforming ceiling microphones in addition to 12 tabletop boundary microphones, all carried through a digital signal processor for management. The result is an experience where the executives can forget about microphones, leaning back and chatting effortlessly, or lean into a table mic to ensure that even the softest voices can be heard with pinpoint clarity when needed. A massive success, this multi-disciplinary effort involving acoustics and electronic components is Xprt’s standard approach, embodied beautifully.

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